Johan is a PhD researcher with 14 years of experience in scientific, policy and contract research in the field of education and labour market. His expertise includes analysis methods and techniques, writing reports and publishing results, developing questionnaires and setting up robust experiments to measure causal effects. Johan is a very experienced researcher, interested in e.g. the connection between education and labour market and teacher quality. He has worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Maastricht University. Amongst others, he has investigated the role of personal characteristics on study performance at university, using vignettes to correct for bias in the measurement of personal characteristics. At Maastricht University’s Etil research institute, he set up portals for educational and labor market data. Between 2005 and 2010 he worked at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) of Maastricht University on the following projects: Parliamentary Research Committee on Education Reforms (Commissie Dijsselbloem), PIAAC, WO-monitor, HBO-monitor, Early School Leavers, School leavers between education and the labour market, The labour market by education and profession until 20xx and the Labour Market Monitor Metalektro. Johan is accurate, interested, has a sense of humor, is analytical and a real team player. Since november 2020 Johan is working as managing researcher at ECBO. Since 2021 Johan is executive member of the Refernet team Netherlands.
Dr. Johan Coenen
Research Manager / executive member ReferNet Netherlands