08-01-2024 | Dutch vocational education aims to prepare students for professional practice and lifelong learning in Dutch language, mathematics and digital skills. The goal is also to prepare them for active participation in society.
Concerns about inadequate skills led the Minister of Education to announce additional measure in July 2023. Many vocational students fall short in Dutch and mathematics, posing risks of unemployment and low income.
Current regulations limit the integration of Dutch and mathematics in vocational education contributing to low skill levels. Citizenship education in vocational schools also needs improvement, as surveys reveal incomplete coverage of citizenship aspects. Qualification requirements for citizenship education are broadly defined, leading to varied interpretations.
New initiatives proposed by the minister include actions to enhance education quality, invest in teacher competencies, and monitor student proficiency in Dutch and mathematics. These measures require collaborative efforts between the government and schools for vocational education and training.
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- Cedefop (2023). Netherlands: how to equip VET students with the adequate basic skills to participate in society successfully. National news on VET
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