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Microcredentials zijn bewijzen van competenties en andere leerervaringen, en zijn kleiner dan traditionele diploma’s. In verschillende Europese landen loopt tegelijk onderzoek naar de relevantie van microcredentials voor een leven lang ontwikkelen en voor loopbanen.

Voor 4 doelgroepen is er een vragenlijst: werknemers, lerenden, niet-werkenden, werkgevers. De vragenlijsten zijn in het Nederlands en zijn te vinden via onderstaande links. Ben je werknemer, werkgever, student of werkzoekende? Doe mee en laat van je horen!

De vragenlijsten staan open tot 15 januari 2023.

Voor meer informatie over het onderzoek, zie onderstaande toelichting in het Engels.

Cedefop is inviting employees, employers, students (young and adults) and individuals not currently employed to take part in a survey about the added value of microcredentials.

The role of microcredentials in facilitating learning for employment is a major study commissioned by Cedefop. Its aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the role played by microcredentials in supporting labour-market-related and employment-relevant education, training and learning. The project findings will offer new knowledge on the characteristics of microcredentials, their added value to individual learners and employees, as well as their impact on existing qualifications and recognition systems. 

A key focus of the study is to understand the relevance of microcredentials for the individual learner and the conditions that need to be met for microcredentials to support learners in navigating their careers through life and across different areas of education and employment. Capturing the voice of individual holders as well as education or labour market receivers is vitally important here. 

To this end, four surveys (addressed to different target groups) are being undertaken. Respondents are invited to complete a short questionnaire to record their experiences and perceptions of the role of microcredentials in supporting lifelong and life-wide learning. The surveys are available in 8 languages (English, Dutch, Finnish, German, French, Polish, Spanish and Slovenian). 

Cedefop supports the distribution of the questionnaires and encourages individuals to respond in order to obtain a wide cross section of views. 

Please take this opportunity to give your views.

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